Welcome Our New Writers: Elle Kammerer, Kristina Zuna, & Shahid Bashir!

Hi everyone,

Matthew here, Editor of the Thermo-Wellness Blog. I hope you are enjoying your day today!

Here at the Thermo-Wellness Blog, we believe in the immense power of deliberate cold and heat exposure to enhance well-being.

Today, I’m honored to announce that three new writers have joined the team: Elle Kammerer, Kristina Zuna, & Shahid Bashir. Each person brings a unique skill set and experience to the table, but we are all focused on one thing: Delivering the best, most accurate, and most helpful content we can about deliberate cold and heat exposure.

Without further ado, let’s get to know our writers a bit more!

Elle Kammerer

Elle is a seasoned writer, editor, and podcaster with 10 years of content writing experience and a strong focus on health and wellness. For the past few years, she has worked with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, where she was responsible for developing a content strategy based on science and research. In an industry prone to misinformation, she is committed to creating factual and beneficial content to improve the lives of her readers.

While at FMCA, Elle wrote weekly articles based on topics ranging from essential nutrients, like sodium and vitamin D, to the benefits of positive psychology and mindfulness. In addition, she regularly featured webinars hosted by industry experts, including Mark Hyman, and highlighted the latest news in functional medicine.

Her experience in creating impactful, research-based health and wellness content has already been a tremendous asset to the Thermo-Wellness Blog, and I’m excited to see how she continues to contribute through her expertise and creativity.

Elle says that she, “knows a lot about a lot of things, but wombat facts live rent free in her head.” Post a comment below if you’d like her to share her favorite wombat fact!

To connect with Elle, check out her website and LinkedIn. To read her blog articles on Thermo-Wellness, click here.

Kristina Zuna, PhD

Kristina is an experienced health blog writer with a PhD in Biomedicine & Biotechnology from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria. An extensive researcher, editor, and writer, she has worked with various clients in the health and wellness space, including those focused on biomedicine, dietary supplements, and longevity.

Her passion for exploring the impact of saunas, ice baths, cryotherapy, and similar wellness practices, her fascination with emerging health technologies, and her commitment to factual, research-backed content make her a valuable member of our team.

She has already been highly influential on the blog, and I’m excited to discover how her experience continues to contribute to the content we provide to our readers.

To connect with Kristina, check out her LinkedIn and Instagram. To read her blog articles on Thermo-Wellness, click here.

Shahid Bashir

Shahid is currently a physical therapy student with a deep understanding and appreciation of wellness topics, particularly those related to physical therapy, as well as the effects of cold and heat therapy, saunas, cryotherapy, and other similar forms of therapy. Having studied these topics and participated in related research, he brings a valuable skill set and knowledge base to the Thermo-Wellness Blog.

With over five years of experience in blog post writing, Shahid excels in crafting meaningful, compelling, and factual content. His ability to incorporate current research into his writing ensures his articles are both engaging and scientifically accurate as well.

Shahid is committed to educating and empowering our readers to take control of their health and wellness through evidence-based practices.

I have enjoyed working with Shahid and am excited to see how he continues to apply his physical therapy expertise and knowledge to deliver great content.

To connect with Shahid, check out his LinkedIn and X/Twitter. To read his blog articles on Thermo-Wellness, click here.

Welcome to the team, Elle, Kristina, and Shahid! It’s been an honor and a pleasure working with you so far. I’m excited to continue building the Thermo-Wellness Blog by your side!

Calling all readers – this means YOU! Please leave a comment and let us know what topics you would like us to cover, or your thoughts on the blog so far. Your feedback is always appreciated!

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