What are the side effects of cryotherapy?

Despite the hype and fascinating benefits it promises, cryotherapy is not without its caveats. Just like any physical therapy, it houses possible risks that could pose substantial threats to individual health and safety. It’s of paramount importance to not only acknowledge the potential of this novel therapy but also to understand the complicating ripple effects it may have on the human body. Hence, educating oneself about potential complications such as cryotherapy side effects, is a responsible step towards healthy practices.

So, against the backdrop where cryotherapy’s efficacy and therapeutic claims have made it a popular choice in wellness regimes, do the benefits outweigh the associated risks? The following discussion aims to shed light on this question by unveiling the various risks cryotherapy houses and what that means for individuals seeking this treatment. The cryotherapy side effects can be of broad array including skin reactions, cardiovascular responses to more subtle physiological alterations that are way more indirect and complex.

The purpose here is to facilitate understanding, not promote fear. After all, awareness is the key to safety and wellness. So before we plunge into bone-chilling temperatures in the name of health, let’s take a closer look at cryotherapy’s potential risks and what they mean for each one of us.

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Physical side effects of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy can pose several physical challenges that play a dramatic role in determining whether the treatment is an ally or adversary. The physical side effects are diverse, ranging from skin reactions to sensory changes, and varied systemic responses of the body.

Skin reactions

Among the most commonly documented adverse cryotherapy outcomes are skin reactions. These may manifest in numerous ways, from cold burns to frostbite and allergic reactions.

Cold burns

Cold burns are a significant cryotherapy safety concern. Cold burns occur as a result of skin damage when subjected to extremely cold temperatures. Similar to traditional burns known to inflict severe damage on the skin, cold burns can lead to blistering, tissue damage, and even necrosis in extreme cases. These injuries have the potential to be particularly serious, as they may not be immediately apparent, hence potentially missed or detected late even by trained professionals.


Another potential negative impact of cryotherapy on the skin is frostbite. This physical cryotherapy complication occurs when skin and the tissue underneath freeze due to prolonged exposure to extremely cold temperatures. Symptoms of frostbite can range from numbness and tingling to intense pain. In severe cases, frostbite might lead to permanent damage on the skin tissue, necessitating detailed glance to identify before it escalates to higher levels.

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions are among the less known, yet significant, health effects of cryotherapy. Although relatively rare, some individuals may exhibit allergic symptoms to extreme cold temperatures, resulting in skin redness, itching, or swelling. Understanding your skin’s response to cold can help you predict and manage potential allergic reactions, enhancing the safety and overall experience within the cryotherapy chamber.

Sensory changes

Along with skin complications, cryotherapy can trigger several sensory changes. These may include altered taste, numbness, and a ringing sensation in the ears known as tinnitus.

Altered Taste

While relatively rare, some individuals have reported experiencing altered taste following cryotherapy sessions. The severity and duration of this alteration are variable. Although science has not yet established a direct link, anecdotal experiences highlight this occurrence and the relation of these sessions and the sensory organ becomes vital to comprehend.


Numbness, a common post cryotherapy complication, is a symptom indicative of potential nerve damage. The extreme cold used in cryotherapy can potentially lead to temporary or, in rare instances, prolonged nerve impairment, resulting in numbness or decreased sensation in the exposed area.


Some people may experience tinnitus, a perceived ringing or buzzing noise in the ears, after cryotherapy. This auditory symptom can be temporary or persist outside the therapy session. While not directly harmful, this ringing noise can be bothersome and impact an individual’s quality of life.

Varying body responses

Unwanted cryotherapy results may manifest in several ways, varying from individual to individual.


Experiencing fatigue after a cryotherapy session is not uncommon. The intense cold temperatures can cause temporary metabolic disruptions and an increase in the production of certain stress hormones, leading to fatigue.


Headaches are another common occurrence post cryotherapy. The rush of cold blood back to the head after a session may potentially trigger varying degrees of headaches in some individuals. The onset and duration of these headaches can widely vary.


Dizziness can occur due to rapid shifts in blood pressure experienced during a cryotherapy session. As your body tries to maintain its internal temperature, sudden changes in blood flow can leave you feeling dizzy or off-balance – a noticeable risk of cold therapy that needs to be anticipated and managed.

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Long-term side effects of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is not just about immediate after-effects or single-session risks. The adverse impacts may stretch far beyond, with some surfacing after a substantial stretch of time. The long-term side effects range from potential skin disorders to system-wide responses that require careful attention and smart management strategies.

Skin disorders

Extended or repetitive exposure to extreme cold can sometimes lead to persistent skin issues. Decoding these concerns is vital to evading any lasting cryotherapy damage potential.

Skin infections

Skin infections rank among the potential cryotherapy issues of long-term usage. Cold burns or frostbite, resulting from improper or prolonged exposure, can sometimes escalate into serious bacterial infections. These infections can further cause a range of additional health complications, like cellulite or abscess formation. Monitoring for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus, is essential for timely detection and treatment.

Skin discoloration

Another long-term negative effect of cryotherapy can be skin discoloration. The extreme cold can disrupt the distribution and functioning of melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells in your skin. This disturbance could potentially lead to hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening) of the skin, impacting your appearance and, in turn, your self-perception and confidence.

Delayed wound healing

One less known adverse outcome of frequent cryotherapy is the potential delay in wound healing. The intense cold can narrowly constrict blood vessels, slowing down the blood flow. This reduced blood flow can impede the supply of essential nutrients and oxygen to a wound site, slowing down the healing process.

Body system responses

Apart from skin, cryotherapy can instigate wide-ranging effects on different body systems, producing unwanted results that surface over time.

Irregular heartbeat

Cryotherapy can trigger a cascade of cardiovascular responses, one of which can be an irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. Widespread vasodilation caused by cold exposure could provoke this cardiac complication. Although often benign, there’s potential risk involved in situations where individuals have pre-existing heart conditions.

Difficulty in breathing

Some individuals might experience difficulty in breathing following repetitive cryotherapy sessions. This condition may be due to the body’s response to keep the internal body temperature regulated, forcing respiratory adjustments that could lead to breathlessness or discomfort in some individuals.

Mood changes

Another potential long-term side effect of cryotherapy is mood changes. Although some report positive mood swings attributed to the release of endorphins, some might experience negative mood changes. Compounded over time, these could potentially contribute to emotional and mental health concerns.

Repetitive sessions risks

Most cryotherapy complications become more apparent with increased frequency of therapy sessions. This risk amplifies in cases involving nerve damage and exacerbation of pre-existing conditions.

Nerve damage

One serious concern linked with repetitive cryotherapy sessions is the risk of permanent nerve damage. Although temporary numbness or impaired sensation is common immediately following a session, prolonged or frequent exposure could possibly lead to longstanding nerve damage, leading to chronic numbness or altered sensation.

Exacerbation of pre-existing conditions

Lastly, for individuals with pre-existing conditions like Raynaud’s disease or other systemic conditions, frequent exposure to extreme cold can lead to worsening of their conditions. Individuals need to stay aware of their medical histories, conditions, and how they might interact with cryotherapy to ensure proactive management of their health and well-being.

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Rare but serious side effects of Cryotherapy

Even as cryotherapy rises to fame as a trailblazing cold therapy, there exist a host of rare but serious side effects that can induce significant health impacts. These adverse outcomes mainly encompass specific changes in the blood, individual organ responses, and systemic reactions.

Blood-related changes

Though seldom seen, certain disturbances in the blood composition or behavior following cryotherapy cannot be entirely neglected due to their severe implications.


A rare cryotherapy complication that primarily affects the blood is a hematoma – a collection of blood outside the blood vessels. Rapid changes in blood pressure, provoked by the extreme cold temperatures, can occasionally cause blood vessels to leak or burst, leading to hematoma formation. This might result in local pain, swelling, and often ugly bruising.


Another blood-related change that could potentially arise, although extremely rarely, from cryotherapy is thrombosis. The formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel can interrupt blood flow through the circulatory system. Given the possible life-threatening consequences in instances of a major vein or artery involvement, it is essential that this risk is taken seriously.


If cryotherapy is administered over a wide area or used frequently, it may potentially cause anemia. The extreme cold could induce destruction of red blood cells, leading to a reduced capacity of the blood to carry oxygen across the body. While this is an extremely rare complication, the enormity of its impact renders it a noteworthy health effect of cryotherapy.

Organ-specific reactions

The intricate interaction within the body systems, under the influence of cryotherapy, could lead to crucial organ reactions. This may hint towards lung damage, kidney impairment, or heart arrhythmia.

Lung Damage

Inhaling extremely cold air, directly linked to cryotherapy, could potentially lead to lung damage, particularly in people with pre-existing lung diseases. Direct exposure to cold may induce bronchoconstriction and subsequently trigger or exacerbate respiratory symptoms.

Kidney Impairment

While the kidneys are usually distant from direct cryotherapy exposure, whole body cryotherapy risks do include renal complications. This is particularly applicable to individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions. In such cases, the intense vascular responses initiated by the cold temperatures could potentially exacerbate kidney function impairment.

Heart Arrhythmia

We’ve already noted the rare potential for cryotherapy to trigger a heart arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat. While often benign, this becomes a major concern for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions. It is essential that individuals with heart conditions exercise extreme caution when considering cryotherapy.

Systemic reactions

Some extremely rare, but serious, systemic reactions can occur due to the nature of cryotherapy. Hypothermia and shock are two of the most severe.


Prolonged or extremely intense exposure to the cold temperatures of cryotherapy could potentially lead to hypothermia. A drastic drop in body temperature can disrupt normal body functioning and could lead to serious health issues if it’s not treated promptly.


Shock, a critical condition that occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow, is a rare but serious possible adverse cryotherapy outcome. Potentially triggered by an intense stress response to extreme cold, shock is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Symptoms might include cold, clammy skin, irregular heart rate, and rapid breathing, amongst others.

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Understanding Risks and Making Informed Choices

Cryotherapy, with its enthralling suite of prospective benefits, unsurprisingly beckons many through its therapeutic doors. However, it’s vital to remember that it is not an entirely risk-free regimen. It’s our responsibility to understand the different faces of this therapy, including the possible side effects and complications that might ride along. This knowledge is pivotal to weigh the merits and demerits, and answer the ultimate question – does the potential gain outweigh the risks. 

Key is to remember, some side effects are common and expected, while others are unusual, yet serious. It becomes paramount to know and look out for these signs and symptoms after a cryotherapy session. Not only does this early vigilance dramatically reduces the risk of severe health impacts, but can also make the difference between navigating towards optimum wellness or sailing towards undue health troubles. 

Knowledge, after all, is the first line of defense. A considerable part of this knowledge, however, entails understanding one’s own body. Cryotherapy doesn’t necessarily have the same effect on everyone. Each individual’s biological make-up, pre-existing conditions, adaptability, and several other factors interplay to define their unique experiences and responses towards the therapy. It’s essential to tune in to the body, understand its subtle hints, responses, and needs in the face of cryotherapy. Each session should be tailored to each person’s unique needs and capacities, understanding the risks each individual is willing to take in the pursuit of their health objectives. 

All these considered, it’s of paramount importance to consult with healthcare professionals prior to deciding on submerging into the world of cryotherapy. Medical experts, equipped with comprehensive knowledge of your medical background, can add a vital perspective to your understanding. Their insights and guidance can help you anticipate potential risks, take the necessary precautions, and harness cryotherapy’s potential benefits optimally and safely. 

In the world of wellness, as we strive to probe deeper into cutting-edge therapies like cryotherapy, let us remember our shared purpose: the pursuit of health, wellness, and vitality. Education, conscious choices, and responsible practices remain the powerful anchors in this pursuit. It’s in embracing this perspective that we empower ourselves to march forward on the path of wellness, sweeping aside fears and doubts, and gearing up to embrace health, vitality, and life at its absolute best.

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