Do cold plunges burn fat?


Cold plunging or cold water immersion is a centuries-old practice that is very popular in many cultures around the world. Some use it as a tool to improve physical health, while others practice it for mental health benefits. 

However, one benefit of cold plunging that has been much discussed recently is its ability to burn body fat. The idea that cold plunging can aid in fat burn has captured the attention of athletes, fitness experts, and health-conscious people. But is this an actual benefit of cold plunging, or is it just a claim with no scientific basis?

In this article, we will explore the mechanism behind the effects of cold plunging on fat burn. We will also see what scientific studies have to say about the role of cold plunging on fat burn. But before addressing the main question, we must understand how our bodies respond to cold. 

Body’s Response to Cold

Your body systems work best at an optimal temperature. When you expose your body to the cold, as in cold plunging, it produces a series of physiological responses to maintain its optimal temperature. One of the initial responses is vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels.

Narrowing of the blood vessels reduces the blood flow to the skin to prevent heat loss. The body retains most of the blood in its core to maintain its core temperature. Additionally, the body begins to shiver, which is an involuntary contraction of the muscles. This involuntary contraction generates heat by increasing the metabolic activity of the muscles.

Sudden exposure to the cold also stimulates the release of norepinephrine, a hormone that enhances focus and alertness. Norepinephrine also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce muscle soreness and promote recovery.

Cold water immersion, or cold plunging, provides various health benefits based on all these physiological changes. Fat burn is one of the many physical health benefits of cold water immersion.

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How Cold Plunging Can Help Burn Fat

Cold plunging stimulates fat burn by activating thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a process through which the body generates heat and maintains its internal temperature. Thermogenesis in a cold plunge involves the activation of brown fat and shivering.

Activation of Brown Fat

Brown fat is a type of fat in your body that helps regulate temperature. Unlike white fat, which stores energy, brown fat burns calories to produce heat. Studies show that exposure to the cold activates the brown fat, burning glucose and fat molecules for heat.

Similarly, when you take a cold plunge, the cold water temperature activates brown fat in your body. When activated, brown fat burns calories and produces heat to maintain internal temperature. It increases the metabolism of glucose and fat molecules, reducing blood glucose and body fat levels.

There are plenty of scientific studies to back these claims. A 2021 study shows that activation of brown fat improves blood glucose levels. Another study shows that activation of brown fat from cold exposure can help in weight loss from fat burn and manage obesity. 

Shivering and Fat Burn

After the activation of brown fat, the next step in thermogenesis is shivering. Shivering is the involuntary and rapid contraction of the muscles in response to cold. This rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles burns energy and produces heat. 

Similarly, when you take a cold plunge, your body starts shivering to produce heat. Shivering increases the metabolism in muscles to generate more heat. Muscles require an energy source to fuel the increased metabolism, and they use stored fat for that. 

Evidence also indicates that shivering in response to cold boosts metabolism and causes fat burn. A report shows that shivering can result in a four to fivefold increase in metabolic rate and heat production. Another report showed that a month of exposure to mild cold increased brown fat volume by 42% and fat metabolic activity by 10% among participants.

Role of Hormones in Fat Burn

Cold water immersion triggers the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body. These hormones prepare the body for stress by making several changes, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. One silent role of epinephrine and norepinephrine is that they stimulate fat burn.

According to a study by the American Journal of Physiology, epinephrine positively influences fat metabolism. Another study shows that higher levels of norepinephrine increase the overall rate of fat loss. 

Studies also show that cold water immersion stimulates the release of another hormone called irisin. Evidence shows that the irisin hormone promotes the conversion of white fat into brown fat. Since brown fat causes white fat to burn in response to cold, irisin can significantly contribute to fat loss.

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Benefits of Cold Plunging Beyond Fat Burning

Only the role of cold plunging for fat loss is enough to make it worth considering. However, cold plunging also provides many other benefits, making it a remarkable wellness practice to incorporate into your routine.

Here are some other benefits of cold plunging:

Improved Circulation and Recovery

Intense physical activities and workouts increase the risk of muscle inflammation. When you take a cold plunge after physical activity, the body initiates vasoconstriction. Blood flow reduces towards the muscles, which can reduce inflammation and promote recovery. 

Studies show that after 5 to 10 minutes of cold exposure, the body initiates vasodilation. The tissues get plenty of oxygen and nutrients through increased blood supply. A study shows that vasodilation from cold water immersion can help remove muscle waste such as lactic acid. Removal of wastes promotes the quicker recovery of the muscles. 

A 2023 study shows that cold water immersion after physical activity reduces muscle stiffness, eliminates muscle fatigue, and prevents muscle damage.

The repeated cycle of vasodilation and vasoconstriction from regular cold plunging also improves circulation in the long term. Improved circulation allows enhanced blood flow towards the tissues for optimal functioning.

Enhanced Mood and Mental Clarity

A study by the journal Biology shows that cold water immersion promotes the release of endorphins. You might have heard about endorphins before. They are natural hormones that your body releases in response to stress. Endorphins release enhances your mood and provides you a sense of well-being.

A study by Medical Hypothesis shows that exposure to cold water reduces the symptoms of depression. By improving mood and reducing the symptoms of stress, cold plunging enhances mental clarity.

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Tips For Incorporating Cold Plunges in Your Routine

Incorporating cold plunging into your wellness routine can significantly improve your physical and mental health. However, there are some important factors to consider to maximize the benefits and minimize the potential risks of cold plunges.

If you are a beginner, always start with low. This means beginning with sessions of shorter duration in mildly cold water. As your body gradually adapts to the chilly temperature, you can increase the duration and lower the temperature of cold plunges respectively. 

Cover yourself with warm clothing after a cold plunging session. This reduces the risk of hypothermia — a condition in which body temperature drops to a critically low level. Also, if you have some health condition, especially related to the cardiovascular system, make sure to consult with your doctor before incorporating cold plunging into your routine.

Following the safety tips will enhance your experience of cold plunging. If done appropriately, cold plunges can be a remarkable addition to your wellness routine for improved health and well-being.

Final Thoughts: The Cold Truth About Fat Loss

Cold plunging is a type of cryotherapy that has gained immense popularity for its health benefits. However, one benefit that is always a highlight of the discussions on cold plunge benefits is its ability to burn fat. There are several scientifically proven ways through which cold plunging promotes fat burn. 

Exposure to cold water during cold plunging stimulates your body to produce many responses. One major response to cold plunging is the activation of brown fat. This is a type of fat that burns glucose and other fat molecules to generate heat. Cold plunges also stimulate shivering, an involuntary contraction of muscles. Shivering increases the metabolism of the muscle cells, which facilitates fat burn. 

Hormonal changes from cold exposure, such as the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, also promote fat burn. The potential of cold plunges for fat burn makes it an excellent wellness practice for fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious people.

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