What happens to anxiety after 30 days of cold showers?

As we continue to explore natural remedies for mental health issues, one method that has gained significant traction is cold water therapy. This technique, involving immersing yourself in cold water, has been praised for its potential health benefits, particularly in managing anxiety. This practice is not new. It has its roots in ancient cultures and refined over centuries into what it is today. Today, this therapeutic practice is being rediscovered and embraced by many wellness enthusiasts as a simple, cost-effective, natural way to enhance overall wellbeing.

Anxiety is common in our modern world and can be debilitating for those who experience it. Traditional treatments can be effective, but they are often met with side effects, some of which negative. Attempting to avoid adverse side effects has led to many to seek alternative methods, such as cold water therapy anxiety relief. The overarching idea is that the shock of the cold water can help reset the nervous system, which can reduce anxiety symptoms.

One way to leverage cold water therapy is to commit to taking cold showers. But what happens when you take cold showers for 30 days straight? This is one question that many are asking, and the answer may surprise you. In this article, we’ll discuss the potential benefits of this challenge, and share a bit about what you might expect.

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Science Behind Cold Water Therapy

Understanding the science behind cold water therapy is important to appreciate it’s potential benefits. Cold water therapy is a form of hydrotherapy involving the use of cold water (go figure!) to stimulate physiological responses in the body. The sudden shock to the cold water activates a series of reactions in the body, which includes increased heart rate, deeper breathing, and a rush of adrenaline. These reactions can have a profound impact on your mental state and help you manage anxiety.

Cold water therapy, its physiological effects, and how it potentially reduces anxiety

Cold water therapy, also known as cold water immersion among other terms, is a tool that has been used for centuries as a form of stress reduction therapy. When your body is exposed to cold water, it responds by activating its sympathetic nervous system, releasing endorphins, and increasing circulation. These responses can lead to a sense of euphoria, increased energy, and reduced feelings of anxiety. This is why a lot of people choose to start their day with cold water therapy.

“Fight or flight”

One of the main anxiety relief techniques of cold water therapy is the activation of the “fight or flight” response. This response can help to reset your body’s stress levels, which provides a natural form of anxiety management. In addition, the deep breathing that naturally occurs during cold water immersion can also help reduce any anxiety symptoms, making it another natural anxiety remedy.

Research supporting the benefits of cold water therapy

Several studies have focused on the benefits of that cold water therapy has as a supporting tool to improve mental health. For example, a study published in Medical Hypotheses found that cold showers could help reduce symptoms of depression:

Additionally, due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower is expected to send an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect.

Another study published in the National Library of Medicine found that cold showers could help treat psychotic disorders:

Adapted cold shower might have antipsychotic effect similar to that of electroconvulsive therapy because it could work as mild electroshock applied to sensory cortex.

More research is needed to fully understand the benefits of cold water therapy, but these findings provide promising support of its potential as a therapeutic tool for anxiety and stress management.

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Personal Experiences

Scientific research is a great resource to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of cold water therapy, but personal experiences provide a bit more of a relatable perspective. Many wellness enthusiasts have answered the 30-day cold shower challenge, sharing their experiences and transformations they’ve realized, particularly as it relates to anxiety management.

Testimonials of those who tried 30-day cold shower challenges

Relieving anxiety and depression

In the first testimonial, this person speaks about how cold showers helped relieve his anxiety and depression, highlighting the fact that this “treatment is sending signals to your brain similar to what antidepressants do.” That’s incredible!

“The Flinch”

In another testimonial, Matt D’Avella states that taking a cold shower for 30 days helps teach everything we need to know about self-development and how to embrace “The Flinch.” This is a term coined by author Julian Smith. The Flinch occurs when we flinch at an opportunity for growth. But to really move forward, we must embrace The Flinch, and one of the best ways to embrace The Flinch is by deliberately placing yourself in difficult situations, like that of a cold shower.

Analyzing the transformation, focusing on improved anxiety management

It’s remarkable to learn about the transformation by those who have completed 30 days of cold showers. Many noted improvements in their anxiety management, as well as their ability to better handle stressful situations throughout their day, like instances of The Flinch.

Personal accounts like those above point to the face that simple, natural tools, like cold showers, could be a powerful tool in anxiety management methods. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with cold water therapy will be different, and what works for one might not work for another. As with any new therapy you’re considering, it’s always a great idea to consult with your healthcare professional before starting.

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Breaking down a 30-day Cold Shower Routine

If you’re interested in exploring the potential benefits of cold water therapy for anxiety, starting a 30-day cold shower routine can be a great launchpad. This section provides a great guide on how to properly structure this program, along with what to expect, potential challenges, and tips to overcome those challenges.

Step-by-step guide on how to properly engage in a cold water therapy routine for anxiety

Starting a cold water therapy routine can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be manageable and maybe even an enjoyable piece of your daily ritual.

  1. Begin with your normal shower. Start with your usual warm water to help ease into the process.
  2. Gradually decrease the temperature. After a few moments, lower the water’s temperature until it’s cold.
  3. Focus on your breath. Deep breathing can be beneficial for anxiety relief. Try to maintain a steady and calm breathing pattern throughout your shower.
  4. Gradually increase your time. Start with a few seconds in the cold water, then a few minutes.
  5. Remember to be consistent. Have a goal to take a cold shower every day for 30 days to experience the full benefits of this anxiety management method.

What to expect during the routine, potential challenges, and some tips to overcome them

Week 1

During the first week, you may experience a shock to your system. This is normal and is part of your body’s natural response to the cold.

Week 2 – 3

By the second week, you might notice that your body is adapting to cold showers. You may find that you’re able to stay in the cold water for longer periods of time. You may also find that you’re noticing some of the cold shower benefits, like increased energy, improved mood, and better sleep.


It’s during this time that you may face a few challenges. For example, the initial novelty of the cold showers may have dissipated, and you may be tempted to quit. Remember to stay committed and why you started this challenge in the first place.

To overcome these challenges, try to make your cold showers a regular part of your daily ritual. For example, schedule them for first thing in the morning or right before bed. It will help you accomplish these showers if they occur at the same time every day. Another helpful tip is to do things to make the experience more enjoyable, like playing your favorite song or using some special soap that smells really nice.

Week 4

By the end of the 30 day period, you should have a good grasp of whether cold water therapy is a beneficial addition to your anxiety reducing strategies.

Remember! Everyone’s experience with cold water therapy will be different, so make sure to listen to your body and adjust your routine as needed.

Summarizing Cold Water Therapy and its Potential Benefits

Throughout this article discussing cold water therapy, we shared the science behind this ancient practice, seen a few personal testimonial videos from those who have embarked on 30-day cold shower challenges, and provided you with a step-by-step guide to help if you are interested in trying this routine for yourself.

From a physiological perspective, cold water therapy triggers a series of responses in your body that can lead to reduced anxiety symptoms. The activation of the “fight or flight” response, the release of endorphins, and the increased amount of circulation all help contribute to a sense of calm and wellbeing. Personal testimonials help support these benefits, with many reporting anxiety reduction, energy improvement, and mood enhancement after consistently taking cold showers. Let’s not forget how embracing the cold helps you embrace daily stressors and instances of “The Flinch.” 

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s experience with cold water therapy will be different. What works for one may not work for another, and it’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare professional prior to starting this therapy, or any therapy for that matter.

As we continue to explore natural anxiety remedies and stress reduction therapy, cold water therapy presents an exciting area of potential growth. The simplicity and accessibility makes it a great option for many, and it’s potential benefits could have powerful effects to our personal and societal approach to mental health. As we move forward, let’s continue to explore, experiment, and learn from each other in our collective pursuit of wellbeing.

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  1. Great article! I recently got in to using the cold water therapy , mixed with a hot water therapy and I am floored with how much energy I have and how incredibly alive I feel.

    Definitely interesting to see how my body responds to the stimulation after I create more of a routine out of this .

    Thanks for sharing the info , great stuff!

    1. Thanks for reading and sharing your experience, Eli! I can resonate with the afterglow you realized as well. It’s been a great addition to my wellness routine. Would love to hear how your body responds after a few weeks of consistent practice! Take care, and happy plunging!

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